The technology progressions and innovations are seen widespread and are been embraced for the improved way of life and conveniences. This includes the robotic process which has replaced and still advancing to handle the human works with the same and competitive intelligence.

“It’s so evident that the many jobs present in the current scenario will be in rapt and not exists, also pretty much not very certain the kind of jobs the coming generations would pursue. This is being the concern and fear but the shift to the advancement and better technology that is taking place at all the level is a new scope of better jobs.”

We are now to discuss the digital technology which has advanced to automation, robotics, VR and AR.

Robots, the current day:

We have seen robots repeating jobs with precision and efficiency, which has now taken a shift and been able to dynamically change the operations based on the interaction with the humans. This collaboration of the robots with humans has also changed dynamically and comfortably. The cooperation of the robots to the expectation of the human is astonishing and the control which is worked up with the augmented reality has enabled robots to do tasks beyond the physical reach and without the distance barrier. With the use of this system, the user is able to effectively interact with the robots in augmented presence. Such collaboration can happen in any field and ubiquitously right from the factories, industries, agriculture to medical. The common factor among all is that the interaction and the possible actions of the robots, where the human instructions are remote and they carry forward the instruction based on the realistic process bringing the robots to do the task on command with precision. The most difficult and the beyond the human possibilities are handled by the robots with the instructions of the humans.

In the distribution industry and the warehouse management are efficiently managed by the robots with the much digital experience for the customers. This has proved on the complete customer satisfaction which goes a long way in the industries which benefits multi-fold. This teaming of human and robots are seen intellectual in the natural approach where the intelligence is incorporated with the predictive analysis.

Human partaking redefined 

As the technology liberates the works of humans with its innovation, the power of AI drives the machines to think and perform with illustrious efficiency. This is certainly a revolution and the interaction of the AI positions the business with the success strategy. The innovators are increasing and they started attracting talents to performance-oriented fields with technological transformations. The current task of the human is to prioritize the robots automation process and set the focus on the routines to ensure customer satisfaction. Be it any industry it started to think big and target globally. The investment driven by technology is certainly a growth potential.  

Impressive digital layer 

As we now comprehend the potential of the robots and its functions, the ultimate success of its performance is with the control and this digital layer with the Augmented Reality is highly powerful and realistic with an interface which allows the user to travel all along with the robots which are performing the actual task. They are capable to be operated in the wearable or device screens which defines the operations with measurable success. They are made functional with the user expectations and the industry which combines this technology has certainly a success edge in terms of multiplying the business and be benefited in the RoI. The technology keeps evolving and the early adopters who face the challenges also, reap its profits wholly.  

Getting technical 

The HRC requires ARN which means the Human-Robot collaboration can be implemented with the Augmented Reality Negotiation. This came into existence when the robots were not able to perfume the task independently and for certain applications when the human intervention was required. As the human instructions cannot be provided without the visualization, the AR was developed as an extension to the performance. This is visually enhanced and with the multi-agents the communication preference with the collaboration keeps it going eminent. The task is seen completed in much expected time and significantly have proved the efficiency. The human-robots communication can be with commands, gestures or AI.  

The ARN consists of the following:  

  • Planner provides the robot with an action plan.
  • Visualizer overlays the reality with AR interface. 
    The Restrictor which processes the human constraints to the action plan.
  • The Restrictor which processes the human constraints to the action plan.  

The novel ARN with the VR human participation makes it effective and efficient for the successful task completion.  

This is certainly the futuristic solution for any business and looks to learn more about this in our blog session. We welcome your participation to discuss more connecting with our team.