Meteor_1Something new and innovative is getting closer to use, when you think of writing software it is something that is time consuming and gets tedious. Now is something that provides a great platform and creates application in a new way. This collaborative solution solves most of the problems experienced in development and here is a quick overview of this interesting platform.

Meteor is a new platform for writing fast and efficient web and mobile applications. Meteor uses Pure Javascript for writing applications. Both client and server runs in Javascript.

In Meteor we can integrate database using javascript. It allows to insert,  update, delete any works done in Javascript. Mongo DB is been pre-packaged in Meteor. Hence it eliminates the need to configure the database, every time we create an all-new project the database will be configured automatically.

The great aspect is that it supports MongoDB and SQL Server.

The interesting fact is that Meteor is a cross platform, which we can download and install based on the operating system.

I now show you how to use in windows platform. Click on & Open this link below to download and install,

 Steps to create a new project:

You may follow the following steps in order to create a new project.

Open your Command Prompt (CLI) and follow these instructions.

Create Meteor appname

This line will create a folder appname with four meteor files




                                .meteor (internal meteror file)

There is no need to specify the <link> <script> tag in html file.

In order To excute the project type this

Cd appname             (enter the project directory)


Open your browser  type http://localhost:3000  now our app is running

1 (2)

In html file there are three important sections
  1. Head – head section of the html sent to the client.
  2. Body – regular html file
  3. Template – meteor template file. It can be used by body section and js file.


2Our html file compiled by Meteor spacebar compiler. We can add the logic inside the double curly braces ex: {{#each}}    {{#if}}

Meteor pass data’s to Javascript using helpers. in css file we customize whatever we want.

Finally it deploys our app in free meteor Server.

Meteor provides free testing Server.

Go to our project directory in command prompt and type

meteor deploy

This line will  asks username and password for meteor developer account. Create account in meteor website

After submitting username and password our app published in Meteor server. URL will be generated in our app name. View your app.

iStock_000029524850_LargeMore to know:

·         Meteor main features are that you could save the file in browser the page will automatically refreshed.

  • Meteor uses the Node.js and also we integrate Angular js 
  • Jquery, Angular Js these are Client side Javascript Frameworks but meteor is an client and server side framework.
  • One language and one Platform to write web and mobile Application.
  • Meteor Provides Native look and feel to Mobile Applications.
  • Now Meteor supports Android and IOS Applications. We build these apps we need to install the SDK’s for both Platforms

As a developer I am delighted to use this platform which gives a complete framework for the web and mobile applications. Modern interface and quick coding keeps me on great experience which makes me call it a top-tiered one and the best part is it is available as OPEN SOURCE.