
Scrum is an agile framework to manage innovative and complex products development. Scrum provides the structure and discipline of planning, developing, delivering and sustaining complex products. Scrum is a lightweight framework for Agile development. Scrum is a simple to understand product development process.

While we decided to work on the Scrum methodology for our team, it enabled to the initial breakthroughs which were the defined approach and the clear tasks that were needed to do at best to bring success to the product owner. More stuffs were experienced as the teams are seen to work keenly on delivering the highest business value. The team did obtain the set of roles and responsibilities for the continuous growth. 
Scrum Events:

Scrum prescribed events are used for minimizing the duration, meetings in the projects.

The events are:

  1. Sprint
  2. Sprint Planning
  3. Daily Scrum
  4. Sprint Review
  5. Sprint Retrospective
Sprint Overview:

Sprint is the heart of Scrum.

A complex product will be divided into multiple portions. Each portion is called as Sprint. Sprint goal will be set from the product backlog items. Sprint contains sprint planning, daily scrums, sprint development, sprint review and sprint retrospective. Each sprint time is between 1 to 4 weeks. Most of the companies are using 2 weeks sprint to get frequent feedback.

The sprint ends with a sprint review and retrospective. Next sprint will start immediately after the previous sprint conclusion.

Scrum Roles:

There are only three roles in scrum process with self-organizing to accomplish their work.

  1. Product Owner
  2. Scrum Master
  3. Development Team

Scrum Team = Product Owner + Scrum Master + Development Team

Scrum Team is self-organizing and cross-functional. The self-organizing team will know how best to accomplish their work. Cross-functional team will accomplish their work without depending on others in their plan.

Product Owner:

A product owner is a sole person, responsible for managing product backlog items. Product owner presents the goal of the sprint and discusses the high priority from the product backlog items. Product owner needs to work closely with the team. The product owner is the only junction between Product, Customer, and Team.


ScrumMaster is responsible for making the sprint process smoothly.
ScrumMaster needs to help everyone in the product (Product Owner, Organization, Development team).
ScrumMaster keeps the team focused on sprint goal.
ScrumMaster is the trainer and mentor for Scrum team.
ScrumMaster must protect the team from obstacles and disturbance.

Development Team:

The development team consists of SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) and is responsible for producing the product. They are empowered by the organization to manage their work. They have to decide how the task would be split, how the taks are allocated to the individuals and how self-organizing they would be.

Daily Stand-Up Meeting:

Every day, during the start of the work a daily stand-up meeting should be the first priority. Scrum Team need to answer three questions to ScrumMaster and It should not take more than 15 minutes.

Questions are:
1) What did you do yesterday?
2) What are you going to do today?
3) Is there any issue blocking you from getting your work done?

Benefits Of Scrum:


Business Benefits:

  • Increase quality of Product
  • Increase customer satisfaction
  • Increase project control
  • Renew products with enhancements
  • Better estimates
  • Cost control
  • Reduce risk
  • Constant feedback

Development Team Benefits:

  • Keep all the team member on same track
  • Daily meetings increases individual productivity
  • Increase team morale

Product Benefits:

  • Large products are divided into multiple sprints
  • Code will be reviewed during each sprint
  • Scrum Team will get clear visibility for each sprint
  • Development will be very fast
  • Frequent feedback from Customer for product improvement
Disadvantages of Scrum:
  • If the team member does not perform or cooperative, The project will never get a complete status.
  • If any team member leaves during the sprint process, it will affect the development process
  • It is very difficult to handle the scrum process with much larger team
  • Limitations for sprint meetings. The daily meeting is 15 mins and Sprint planning meeting is maximum 8 hours

If a team with proper planning, guidance and smart in decision making, they can overcome all the disadvantages.

It can be quite sure that the optimized agility to the organization may require some changes to the fundamentals but the approach to implement it would integrate better success to the project and the organization.